June 24 2021
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The Final Attestation Process is Completed

Bachelor’s research papers and master thesis defense were completed at Eurasia International University. According to the chairmen of the committee, the research topics were contemporary, research problems were defined based on the demands of the labor market, and the future specialists had a research-analytical mentality.

Compared to the previous year, the qualitative progress of research papers this year was also noticeable, which was emphasized by the chairmen and members of the committee. In this regard, the latter appreciated the procedures and methodology developed by the university. The structural and contextual changes of the research, the objective system of the assessment developed and embedded by the university, according to which the student had been evaluated first by the reviewer and then by each member of the committee, were highly appreciated. As a result of the weighted average score, the final grade of the student was formed.

The chairmen of the committee made suggestions aimed at improving the above-stated process. In particular, it was suggested to make additions to the existing procedures, allowing the reviewer to respond to the remarks in written form, to carry out the reviews blindly, hiding the identity of the supervisor and students, and review certain structural and technical requirements taking into account the peculiarities of the profession.

It should be mentioned that the Quality Assurance Center was actively following the whole process and will soon provide the departments with a comprehensive evaluation analysis for further improvements.

Eurasia International University congratulates all the graduates wishing them professional success.